Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sat, 20 Feb 2010

Draft Beer Update
Wow. 7 changes in about 1/2 a day.

And it was just only yesterday that the blog had that nice image of Ommegang Witte. I guess it worked, since it's kicked. Replacing it is Yards Brawler. Brawler is a great session beer.

Stoudts Quad returned, replacing Dock Street Bubbly Wit. Quad is NOT a session beer, weighing in at 11%.

Our first barrel of the latest batch of Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout replaced Dock Street Sexual Chocolate. Chocolate for a chocolate. That sounds like a fair trade.

Ironically speaking of fair trade (as that segue honestly wasn't planned), Wolavers Alta Gracia Coffee Porter is now tapped, replacing Kira Wit.

Roy Pitz Old Jail Ale, making it's G-Lodge debut, replaced Manayunk St. Alpha Belgian IPA. This one is a session beer as well.

Our last quater barrel of Philadelphia Kilty Pleasure replaced Philly Walt Wit.

Lagunitas Cappucino Stout kicked. We were hoping to get some Bear Racer 5 for the beer engine but that didn't work out. We'll have something back on the beer engine early next week.

Tomorrow Night: Comedy Night at the Grey Lodge
Phatdog Productions Presents Sunday Night Comedy at The Grey Lodge Pub. Hosted by Matt Reiss with, Dan Mcdowell, Erin Mulville, and Simply Dee. Phatdog Productions wants to make this a monthly event so come out for a great show. Tickets are $10 at the second floor entrance.

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