Saturday, May 08, 2010

Sat, 08 May 2010

Draft Beer Update
This week's Stout Season beer of the week, Troubadour Obscura, replaced Troegs Sunshine Pils. Troubadour is a rather young Belgian microbrewery. I have had some of their stuff before and its first rate. I'm looking forward to trying this one.

Roy Pitz Ludwigs Revenge, a smoked lager, replaced Atwater Bock.

Manayunk Yunkers Gold replaced Manayunk Red Rye. I had a Yunkers Gold last night, and it's really tasty. It's a real "beer" beer.

Mothers Day Flowers Still Available
We have a few bouquets left over from last night's Fleur de Lehigh/Fleurs Pour La Mere. Bouquets (without beer or pint glass) are now $15.

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