Friday, May 14, 2010

Sat, 15 May 2010

Mayfair May Fair is Today
The Mayfair Business Association's Mayfair May Fair is today. From 11am-1pm The Grey Lodge will be participating by giving out free funnel cakes. We'll also have live music by Mike McCullough.

Today is Also Armed Forces Day aka Sandy Eggy Night
Tonight we are celebrating Armed Forces Day with loads and loads of great San Diego beer. This is one not to miss. The super rare sixtels get tapped at 6pm. Most of the rest is already tapped.

Draft Beer Update (4:30 Edition):

Green Flash West Coast IPA replaced itself. Like I said yesterday, Green Flash does not last long here. So if you want some, you gots to gets in here today or it may not be here tomorrow.

Ballast Point Wahoo Wheat replaced Yards Saison. Wahoo Wheat is an unfiltered wheat beer, which pretty much means it's a cloudy wheat beer. I had a couple after work last night and it is awesome, but what else would you expect from Ballast Point. Wahoo! Everyone get a wheat!

Stone Pale Ale replaced Summit Horizon Red Ale. Another beer for tonights San Diego Night, Stone Pale Ale is just a darn good American Pale.

Port Midnight Sessions replaced Troubadour Obscura. Midnight Sessions is making a return for San Diego Night. So if you missed it the first time, here is another shot at a Schwarzbier. Troubadour will be back on sometime soon as it is still about half full or half empty depending on your outlook on life.

6PM Update:

Ballast Point Sculpin replaced Gritty McDuff Black Fly Stout. Gritty will be back, but first we have to get Sculpin on tonight. Sculpin is an IPA that will not last very long. If (when) it kicks we will be tapping Ballast Point Victory at Sea. Victory at Sea is an Imperial Porter with coffee and vanilla added post fermentation.

Lost Abbey Bourbon-Barrel Angel Share replaced Roy Pitz Ludwigs Revenge. Ludwig shall return also, but San Diego is much nicer than Chambersburg (no offense people of Chambersburg). Angel Share is a barley wine aged in Heaven Hill Wheat Whiskey barrels instead of the Brandy barrels for the standard release.

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