Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Night Special Beer & Cheese Pairing: Week 11 of 169

The Grey Lodge Pub
Sunday Night Special
Beer and Cheese Pairing

169 cheeses! 169 beers! 169 weeks! It's a beer and cheese odyssey!

Scoats's wonderful wife gave him a copy of Di Bruno Bros. House of Cheese: A Guide to Wedges, Recipes, and Pairings by Tenaya Darlington for Christmas. The author lists 169 artisan cheeses and Scoats wants to try them all. He suspects that he is not the only one. To keep things interesting we will pop around the book, serving a different cheese every Sunday until we taste them all.

Week Eleven: 19 April 2015

Ossau-Iraty, page 56.
French sheep's milk cheese. Beneath its amber rind is an ivory paste that is slightly granular and very rich, with toasted wheat aromas and nutty, grassy-sweet flavors Tenaya especially recommends Philly Brewing's Rowhouse Red with this one. 

PBC Rowhouse Red. Rowhouse is now a seasonal beer, so we took advantage its narrow availability for this week's pairing. Rowhouse is a complex ale with flavors of rye, toasted malt, and Belgian ale yeast. This tasty rather unique beer never really found an audience, which is a shame and is why it is now seasonal. Enjoy. ABV 5%.

Beer and Cheese $13

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