Thursday, May 03, 2012

Meet Dave Champagne, Our New Chef

We are very happy to announce the addition of Dave Champagne to our crew. Dave has been with us for about month now. Beginning this week, Dave will posting our weekly specials with pictures here on our blog. In the meantime, here’s an intro from him:
“Dear Grey Lodge Goers,

My name is Dave Champagne, and I am very excited to announce my new position as chef at the celebrated Grey Lodge Public House. It feels really great to be a part of such an extraordinary team. Food has been a passion for me since a very early age, and I look forward to sharing the enjoyment that it brings me with all of you. I am pleased to bring you new options, so please come out and see what our kitchen staff is hard at work on this week. I will be posting pictures and information about our food periodically to entice your appetite for our creations. We look forward to seeing you soon at The Grey Lodge Pub.”

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