Friday, December 26, 2008

Fri, 26 Dec 2008

Draft Changes
The Christmas beers continue to flow on through. We don't go all Scrooge once the 25th is over. Our Xmas spirit lasts at least until New Years. We still have two more Xmas beers to tap.

High & Mighty Home for the Holidays replaced Gritty McDuff Christmas Ale. Money from this beer goes to support returning veterans, a very worthy cause.

Green Flash West Coast IPA replaced Troegs Sunshine Pils.

Victory Yakama Twilight, a rare new double IPA, replaced Sly Fox Xmas Ale.

Magic Hat Roxy Rolles replaced Harpoon Rauchfetzen.

The draft line for Troegs Mad Elf sprung a leak. We hope to have it fixed on Monday. Mad Elf will return then.

I forgot to include this yesterday. Dogfish Head Punkin Ale replaced Lancaster Hop Hog.

Beer Season
I should have mentioned this earlier in the week. This week's Beer Season Beer of the Week is Legacy Hedonism Red in bottle. We had go with bottles this week to get all the Xmas beers tapped for Xmas week.

Tomorrow is Mark Haynie's birthday. Monday is Mike Emberger Jr's. Email me ( your birthday and we'll mention it here on our site. Mentioned or not, come in on your birthday for a free birthday beverage. (Max. value $5).

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