Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sun, 28 Dec 2008

Draft Beer Updates
It is beginning to look a little less like Xmas. But that's OK. If it was Xmas all the time then Xmas wouldn't be special. And the usual stuff ain't nothing to complain about either.

Arcadia Big Dicks Olde Ale replaced Anchor Our Special Ale, which I totally missed out on. Too many great choices these last few days.

Starting a run of great stouts, Lagunitas Cappuchino Stout replaced Southampton French Christmas Ale.

Philadelphia Kenzinger replaced Corsendonk Christmas Ale (30 liter). I did not miss out on that one. Not by any stretch.

Spaten Holiday Bock replaced Weissenohe Monks Xmas. One German holiday lager for another. Not a bad swap. Nor I did miss out on the Weissenohe. I know the Spaten Holiday Bock has been anxiously awaited by many, including me.

Today's Link

The Adventures of Lizzy.

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