Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sat, 20 Dec 2008

Draft News
The time is now for the crescendo of Christmas beers on draft. Oh come, oh come all ye thirsty, we are full of Xmas cheer and Xmas beer.

Our final quarter barrel of Philadelphia (Pedro) Feliz Navidad replaced the sixtel of Sly Fox Black Raspberry Reserve, which only lasted about 5 hours.

Gritty McDuff Christmas Ale replaced Penn St. Nikolaus Bock.

To prevent Xmas overload, Troegs Sunshine Pils replaced Flying Fish XPA.

We have loads more Xmas beers to come in the next week, including a barrel of Sly Fox Christmas and two halves of Troegs Mad Elf.

Today's Link
A helpful tip for bike riders.

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