Friday, January 01, 2010

Fri, 01 Jan 2010

Happy New Year
Chef Jason, the good Port Richmond native that he is, has made up a batch of kielbasa and kraut for New Years. Keilbasa is just one of many specials on the chalkboard today. For dinner, I had our BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich for the first time. Jeez, what was I waiting for?

Draft Beer Update
We have a few draft beer changes.

On the handpump, Troegs Hopback Amber replaced cask-conditioned Bear Republic Racer 5.

Weyerbacher Hotel moved quickly. Replacing it is Stoudts Winter Ale. Stoudts changes the Winter Ale recipe every other year. This version is a hoppy red ale.

Kegs of Dock Street Fuggles Pale Ale, our Beer Season Beer of the Week, and Philadelphia Winter Wunder, both replaced themselves.

8:45pm update: Weissenohe Monks Xmas and Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale both kicked. Replacing them are Yards Poor Richard's Tavern Spruce and Victory Mystery Ale.

Poor Richards is Yards's spruce beer, made with spruce tips. I really love this beer. I might not to have more than one at a sitting, but I love it none the less.

Here's our description of the Victory Mystery Ale. At the wholesaler, the cap fell off this Victory specialty ale. They don’t know what this one is. Victory doesn’t know what this one is either.
What to do? Call the Grey Lodge, they’ll buy anything! And so we did. They cut us a special price and we are passing along the savings to you. Could it be one of Victory’s Abbey beers (5, 6, or 8)? One of their English Ales? (Bitter, ESB, Brown)? Bags Packed Porter? Rauch Porter? None of the above? Know what this is? Or think you do? Email your guess to Scoats at I just tried one and have my guess as to what it is. I can't wait to hear your guesses.

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