Friday, June 08, 2012

Fri, 08 Jun 2012 - Another Philly Beer Week Triple Feature

It's another Philly Beer Week triple feature at the Grey Lodge.

I am very excited by all of these events. So excited I've got a designated drive. I walked in today; my wonderful wife will come to drive me home later, much later, tonight.

Friday, 08 June 2012, Grey Lodge Pub, 5pm -7pm
Neshaminy Creek Now Flowing
Meet the owner/brewer of the area's newest breweries. Neshaminy Creek's Jeremy Meyers will be on hand. We will have every single Neshaminy Creek beer available. Since they are really new, "all" equals three. 

On Tap:
Neshaminy Creek Mudbank Oatmeal Milk Stout
Neshaminy Creek County Line IPA
Neshaminy Creek Tribute Triple.

Friday, 08 June 2012, Grey Lodge Pub, 7pm - 9pm
Dogfish Head Black Lodge + White Lodge = Grey Lodge
"White Lodge + Black Lodge = Grey Lodge". We will feature two beers from Dogfish Head's brewpub, their White Lodge and Black Lodge beers. Both of which were inspired by the long ago TV show Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks was also the inspiration for the name of the Grey Lodge Pub.

Dogfish Head Black Lodge features smoked malt (for the mill fire), coffee, pine (for Douglas firs) and more. 

Dogfish Head White Lodge features garbonzo beans, creamed corn, and more.

I went down to Rehobeth Beach a few weeks back to give Ben a hand with brewing the White Lodge beer.

We will have both on tap, plus Grey Lodge, a preblended mix of Black and White Lodges. Ben will be on hand.

Attn: Twin Peaks fans, we will have Jerry Horne's infamous butter and brie baguette sandwich tonight for the Dogfish Head Grey Lodge Event. Plus cherry pie and roasted pine weasel. (Update: Chef Dave just told me that due to the endangered status of the pine weasel, roasted pine weasel will actually be venison).

Prizes for best Twin Peaks costumes.

On Tap:
Dogfish Head Black Lodge
Dogfish Head White Lodge
Dogfish Head Grey Lodge

All proceeds from the sale of these three beers will go to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Friday, 08 June 2012, Grey Lodge Pub, 9pm - 11pm
Belgium Comes From Manayunk
We will have a trio of Belgian style beers from Manayunk Brewing, Manayunk Flanders Red, Manayunk Monk From the Yunk, Manayunk St. Alpha. We have been told this will be only appearance of their Flanders Red outside of their brewpub. 

On Tap:
Manayunk Flanders Red
Manayunk Monk From the Yunk
Manayunk St. Alpha

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