Rogue Double Mocha Porter replaced Weyerbacher X-ray Ale. Looking at the ABV which is 8.2%, I believe the double refers to amount of the malts and hops used, which probably was exactly double of a regular strength porter. And the Mocha in the name is because they used coffee too. With all the Rogues tapped in the last month, and also all the beers we will be tapping next week's for Rogue Farm night, we are having a little Rogue resurgence at the Grey at the moment. And that's a good thing.
Appalachian Volks Weizen Bock replaced Great Lakes Xmas. After drinking Victory Moonglow, Joe - Jimi Dold and Keith's buddy, has become a weizenbock fan. So we grabbed this one just for him. I had one last night. It's a great example of the style (yeasty and spicy but thick and malty too), but then Appalachian's beers are always spot on.
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale replaced itself for the last time.
Wyder's Dry Raspberry Cider replaced Woodchuck Winter Cider. The name pretty much describes the taste.
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