Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, 18 Mar 2011

Prism Night with a Side of Bacon - Tonight
Ack, I really should have looked at the calendar better before planning this event. For those of you that are eating meat on Fridays during Lent, we are offering free bacon with the purchase of a burger tonight. Why? Because we will have a firkin of Prism Insana Stout, which is their chocolate bacon beer. Prism owner/brewer Rob will be here too with goodies. In addition to the Insana, we will have Prism Love is Evol, which is a strawberry jalapeno beer. I haven't had either yet, but I will take care of that this evening. We will also have a normal beer on tap from Prism, their Bitto Honey, which is a honey IPA.

For those of you that aren't eating meat on Fridays during Lent, we have a nice selection of fish items including Cajun Fish Sandwich, Thai Curry Mussels, Fish Tacos, and Fish & Chips. And you drink Insana as it uses vegetarian bacon, whatever that this.

Draft Beer News
Sly Fox Seamus Irish Red kicked quick. We had so much great beer on last night, I didn't get around to the Seamus, and now it's kicked. We'll see if you can get some more in next week.

Replacing Seamus is Roy Pitz Daddy Fat Sacs, which is a very tasty IPA from the Pitz boys.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Yeah, I guess only the sinners will want the chocolate covered bacon garnish then too eh? Oh and the bacon used in the beer is a soy based product.